Gold medal winner with high Hopes for future dancing career
Meet… Hope Farraday
Hope Faraday was just two when she was embraced by her grandmother, a retired GP practice manager, who felt a lump pressing through the youngster’s stomach. After being taken to A&E, doctors confirmed her family’s fears, and she was diagnosed with a rare Wilms’ tumour, a type of kidney cancer.
Hope, from Longridge, Lancashire, had her right kidney removed and was put through an intensive six-week course of chemotherapy.
Eight years after the discovery, Hope has become a prize-winning dancer with 75 trophies under her belt. She and her partner have wowed judges and recently won gold at the international Blackpool Dance Festival, pipping dancers from all over the world to the post.
How Dan’s Trust have funded Hope
Funding from Dan’s Trust has helped to fund Hope’s outfits and nationwide travel to various competitions.